vimuiex_plugins.txt Vimuiex Plugins Last Change: May 2010
Commands that require "+python" and curses or the "+python_screen" patch:
VxBufListSelect vimuiex-vxbuflistselect
VxOpenRecentFile vimuiex-vxopenrecentfile
VxTextMenu vimuiex-vxtextmenu
VxFileBrowser vimuiex-vxfilebrowser
VxOccur vimuiex-vxoccur
VxOccurCurrent vimuiex-vxoccurcurrent
VxOccurTags vimuiex-vxoccurtags
VxOccurRoutines vimuiex-vxoccurroutines
VxSourceTasks vimuiex-vxsourcetasks
VxDisplax vimuiex-vxdisplay
VxMarks vimuiex-vxmarks
VxCmd vimuiex-vxcmd
VxMan vimuiex-vxman
Other commands
Quickly remap a set of keys vimuiex-vxmap
Display command line history vimuiex-vxcmdhist
Commands that require "+python_screen":
VxLineJump vimuiex-vxlinejump
VxWindowJump vimuiex-vxwindowjump
Plugins defined in VxLib:
Preview for QuickFix window vxlib-quickfixpreview
POPUP BUFFER EXPLORER vimuiex-vxbuflist
VxBufListSelect vimuiex-vxbuflistselect
Displays a list of buffers in an overlapping window. A buffer can be selected
from the list as described in vimuiex-operation. When <CR> is perssed on a
selected buffer the list is closed an the selected buffer is activated. Other
gs Open selected buffer with split
gv Open selected buffer with vsplit
gt, <c-cr> Open selected buffer in a new tab (if not already visible)
xd Delete selected buffer
xw Wipeout selected buffer
os Change the sort order of buffers
ou Toggle display of unlisted buffers
The commands 'gs' and 'gv' can operate on marked buffers. When multiple
buffers are marked in the list (with the 'm' command) they will be opened
horizontally/vertically split.
To start use: >
OPEN RECENT FILE vimuiex-vxrecentfile
VxOpenRecentFile vimuiex-vxopenrecentfile
Displays a list of recent files in an overlapping window. The filename is
displayed in the first column and the directory in the second column. A file
can be selected from the list as described in vimuiex-operation. When <CR>
is perssed on a selected file the list is closed, the file is loaded (if not
already loaded) and activated. A file can also be opened with the following
gs Open selected file with split
gv Open selected file with vsplit
gt, <c-cr> Open selected file in a new tab
To start use: >
Settings for the plugin:
Number of recent files in history: >
Exclude the files from history if they match a regular expression: >
The filenames are case sensitive: >
VxFileBrowser vimuiex-vxfilebrowser
Displays the contents of a directory implied by the browsedir option. The
subdirectories are displayed with a preceeding '+'. The files are sorted by
name. A file or a directory can be selected from the list as described in
vimuiex-operation. When <CR> is pressed on a selected file, that file is
loaded (if not already loaded) and activated. The selected file can also be
opened with the following commands:
gs Open selected file with split
gv Open selected file with vsplit
gt, <c-cr> Open selected file in a new tab
If <CR> is pressed on a subdirectory, its contents is displayed in the list.
When <BS> is pressed on any item, the curent directory is closed and its
parent directory is displayed. When changing directories, currently marked
items are unmarked.
If files are marked, they will be open instead of the selected file, unless
the selected item is a directory. In this case a directory change will be
Pressing 'd' on any item will close the file list and display a list of
directories from which files were recently loaded. If <CR> is pressed on a
selected directory, the list of directories will close and the content of the
selected directory will be displayed in the file list.
If 'e' is pressed the user is prompted for the name of a (new) file to be
open in the currently displayed directory.
Files from subdirectories of the current directory can be displayed in a
single list. To increase the number of subdirectory levels to be displayed
press <C-L>. To decrease press <C-H> and to cancel subdirectory display press
<C-K>. The filesystem is read in a background thread while the list is already
displayed. When a key is pressed, the pending files read by the reader thread
are added to the list. When the number of subdirectory levels is changed, the
contents of the list is cleared an the reading thread is restarted.
The keysequence 'oa' will toggle the visibility of file attributes.
Settings vimuiex-vxfilebrowser-settings
The list of files and directories to skip while reading the filesystem can
be defined in a comma-separated list: >
The size of the recent directory list can be changed with: >
VxFileFilter vimuiex-vxfilefilter
Displays the contents of a directory implied by the browsedir option and its
subdirectories up to a certain depth. It may take some time to scan the
filesystem with many files. The initial list is displayed after the first 300
files are added. The subsequent files are read in a background thread and the
list is updated after every keypress until all the files are added. The
listbox starts up in filtering mode. The operation is exactly the same as in
VxFileBrowser (vimuiex-vxfilebrowser).
Filtering a large list of file items may be slow. To speed things up, the
filter is applied only to the already dispayed list, if the new value of
the filter string is longer than the previous one. When a character is
deleted from the filter string, all items are refiltered.
A large list of files may consume a lot of memory (approx. 800 bytes per item!
that is 40MB for 50k files). If the computer doesn't have enough memory,
g:VxFileFilter_limitCount should be set (see below). The filesystem is
processed in breadth-first-search order, so at least the files from the
higher directory levels should be processed before the limit applies.
Settings vimuiex-vxfilefilter-settings
The list of files and directories to skip while reading the filesystem can
be defined in a comma-separated list: >
The number of subdirectory levels that are processed can be changed with: >
The number of files displayed can be limited by setting the following variable
to a value greater than 0 (0 means no limit): >
A set of commands that search for regular expressions in files. The lines
where matches are found are displayed in a popup listbox. A line can be
selected from the list as described in vimuiex-operation. If <CR> is pressed
on a selected line, the listbox is closed and the selected line is displayed.
If 'v' is pressed on a selected line, the line is displayed in a preview
window while the listbox is still shown. ( TODO: the listbox may still cover
the preview window, needs to be resized/moved).
After the list is closed the next/previous item can be selected with commands
VxCPrev/VxCNext. A history of recent search results is stored in memory. To
activate a diferent set of search results the command VxOccurSelectHist can be
used. The command VxOccurHist redisplays the active search results.
VxOccur vimuiex-vxoccur
Prompts for a regular expression to search for and a range of files to process
(vimuiex-filerange). The matching lines from the selected range of files are
displayed in the popup listbox.
By default the command vimgrep is used to make the search if the file range
is other than the current buffer. In this case the QuikcFix list is populated
before the list is passed to the popup listbox.
The plugin can also use external programs grep, xargs and find to make the
search. This is controlled with the variable g:vxoccur_grep_mode which can
have one of the following values:
0 - use internal vimgrep (default)
1 - use grep (-r)
2 - use the combination find + xargs + grep
The external programs can be set using the following variables (originally
used by vimscript#311 grep.vim):
Grep_Path variable is used to locate the grep utility.
By default, this is set to "grep".
Grep_Find_Path variable is used to locate the find utility.
By default, this is set to "find".
Grep_Xargs_Path variable is used to locate the xargs utility.
By default, this is set to "xargs".
The search results are also stored in the history of searches and can be
reactivated later without performing the search again. See the commands
vimuiex-vxoccurhist and vimuiex-vxoccurselecthist.
VxCNext/VxCPrev vimuiex-vxcnext vimuiex-vxcprev
The commands operate like :cnext and :cprev except they operate on the
active search results (from any VxOccur* operations).
To navigate quickly through a list of results, see vimuiex-vxmap.
VxOccurHist vimuiex-vxoccurhist
Redisplays the active (last used) search results without performing the
VxOccurSelectHist vimuiex-vxoccurselecthist
Displays a list of recent search results from which an active result set can
be selected.
VxOccurCurrent vimuiex-vxoccurcurrent
Captures the output of the command '[I' and displays it in the popup listbox.
Suggested keyboard mapping:
VxOccurTags vimuiex-vxoccurtags
Passes the current file to ctags and displays the results in the popup
VxOccurRoutines vimuiex-vxoccurroutines
Finds definitions of "routines" in the current buffer. Routines are defiend
with regular expressions (one regexp for each filetype) which are stored in
a global routine definition dictionary.
VxSourceTasks vimuiex-vxsourcetasks
Finds lines with tasks in the selected range of files (vimuiex-filerange)
and displays them in a popup listbox. The tasks are marked with special words
which can be defined in a global variable:
The default task words are: ['COMBAK', 'TODO', 'FIXME', 'XXX']
File ranges used with VxOccur vimuiex-filerange
Currently these ranges can be selected:
-b => current buffer
-B => all the buffers accessible by :bnext
-d [filemask, ...] => current buffer directory
-D [filemask, ...] => current buffer directory and subdirectories
-w [filemask, ...] => working directory
-W [filemask, ...] => working directory and subdirectories
- => use the last used range
The range is entered when Vim displays a prompt like
The available ranges are displayed in () and a part of the last used range is
displayed in []. Different ranges can be entered or selected from history. An
empty range will cancel a VxOccur operation.
Example: search in txt and doc files in current directory and subdirectories:
The prefix '-' is used because input() can't distinguish between an empty
string and a cancelled input. To reuse the last used search range, the user
can press enter after the prompt is displayed if a nonempty default value is
used. The procedure can also recognize a range if it doesn't start with '-',
but it will be added to the history with the prefix '-'.
Instead of capital leters a double lower-case range can be used: -bb will be
interpreted as -B, etc.
This plugin makes it easy to have different sets of functions bound to a
single set of keys.
Quick installation:
Put the follownig in ~/.vimrc: >
Usage: When <Ctrl-F5> is pressed the following menu is displayed:
Buffer prev/next
Tab prev/next
After an item is selected, the appropriate functions are mapped to the keys
<F5> and <F6>. In the last case, the key <F7> will execute VxOccurSelectHist
(see vimuiex-vxoccurselecthist).
1. Use different keys: >
The default keyset is <F5>, <F6>, <F7>.
2. Add additional keys: >
A set may contain an arbitrary number of keys.
3. Add additional command sets: >
Use 'default!' as the dictionary key to replace the list of command sets. The
number of Vim commands in a set is arbitrary. When a set is activated, only as
many commands will be mapped as there are keys in the set. If there are more
keys than commands in the set, the extra keys will not be changed.
4. Adding new sets of keys and commands
Use a different dictionary key instead of 'default'. If a set of keys 'mykeys'
and a list of commands 'mycommands' are defined, then the following code maps
a selected command set from 'mycommands' to 'mykeys':
Mapped on a key: >
POPUP MENU NAVIGATOR vimuiex-popupmenu
VxTextMenu vimuiex-vxtextmenu
Displays a list of top-level menus in a popup listbox. An item from the menu
can be selected as described in vimuiex-operation. When <CR> is pressed on a
selected item it is activated. If the item is a submenu it will be displayed,
otherwise a command bound to the menu will be executed. When <BS> is pressed on
any item, the curent menu is closed an its parent menu is activated.
To start use: >
TODO: add mouse support
Note: The menu initially starts with menu shortcuts enabled. To disable them
and enter normal listbox navigation mode, press '&'.
VxCmd vimuiex-vxcmd
Captures the output of a Vim command and display it in a popup list. Examples:
Show the list of Vim buffers (see also vimuiex-vxbuflist): >
Show the contents of the current directory (see also vimuiex-vxdired): >
Note: VxCmd will fail if the Vim command calls redir during execution.
VxMan vimuiex-vxman
Captures the output of a man command and displays it in a popuplist. This
command is a shorthand for: >
and requires the col program from the bsdmainutils debian package.
To replace the default command K use: >
VxDisplay vimuiex-vxdisplay
Displays the contents of the registers (output of the :display command) in a
popup listbox. If <CR> is pressed on a selected item, the contents of the
register is pasted into current buffer. If <@> is pressed on a selected item,
the contents of the register will be executed as a macro.
VxMarks vimuiex-vxmarks
Displays the marks (output of the :marks command) in a popup listbox. If <CR>
is pressed on a valid mark, the cursor jumps to that mark.
NOTE: These plugins require "+python_screen" feature
VxLineJump vimuiex-vxlinejump
Displays lables in the line-number area and waits for the user to enter a
label. When the label is entered, the cursor moves to the line with the
corresponding label.
VxWindowJump vimuiex-vxwindowjump
Displays a label in the center of every window and waits for the user to enter
a label. When the label is entered, the cursor moves to the window with the
corresponding label.
A utility function that displays the items from the appropriate vim history in
a popup window. The current content of the command line is used to highlight
the initial item in the list. When an item is selected from the list with <cr>
it is inserted into the command line replacing the current value.
By default the function is bound to the keys <pageup> and <pagedown>. The
default mapping can be removed by setting g:vxcmdhist_default_map in .vimrc:
To use another mapping add the following to .vimrc (replace <up> with the
desired key):
## vim:tw=78:noet:wrap:ts=8:ft=help:norl: